Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Plot Thickens...

Thank you all for your great encouragement! I know that is what needed to be done, but I needed a kick in the butt.

I finally worked up the courage to call about an hour ago. (Actually I called first thing, but my Dr.'s MA answered the phone and I chickened out) I ask the girl who answers if I can make a consult appointment to potentially switch doctors. I tell her that my current Dr. is a nice person, but that we don't exactly fit well. The receptionist replied with major attitude that "the clinic does not like to let patients switch doctors". She then tells me she will have to put me on hold. After close to five minutes on hold she comes back and tells me that I will have to speak to the office manager and she will have to call me back later.


I have now gone from feeling bad about hurting my current doc's feelings to seriously pissed! I never in a million years thought they would give me grief about switching! WOW! I don't even know what to say. I'm wondering what in the world the office manager is going to say. It really makes me hesitant to go to anyone in that clinic. I may end up asking for my medical records, a refund of the money that hasn't been used and find someone else.

Can you believe this?

Miss X


Wait Another Year said...

Wow, I'm shocked. I never had any trouble switching doctors. As a matter of fact, all the staff and even doctors supported me. They agreed it was best that the patient see a doctor she feels comfortable with. And since I had a PPO, I rotated between a few different doctors in the same office near the end of my pregnancy (I just wanted to get updates, I didn't care if it was from the same dr!)

If they give you any more grief, ask for a refund and run! You should not have to deal with this.

Anonymous said...

Good grief! Don't give in on this. This is YOUR pregnancy, YOUR baby! Call the office manager and just tell that you want to switch. If she gives you grief, go to a different clinic. You will kick yourself later if you don't! Sorry you are going through all this.

Miss X said...

Safire - I know! I'm shocked.

Katie - I use to work for a medical clinic and we had no problem switching patients to any doctor they wanted to see.

Heather - I know, thanks. That is what we are going to do.