Friday, January 23, 2009


I've been tagged by Safire. I was supposed to name 7 random things about myself. Here we go....

1- I have a shoe issue. I LOVE shoes. It's a bit ridiculous, but I can't help it. They are fabulous! I am not super into clothes at all. What can I say, shoes always fit. 'Nuff said.

2- I'm a vegetarian. I have been since I was a little girl. I even did the strict vegan thing for almost 2 years in my early 20's but I couldn't stick with it. I love cheese way to much! :)

3- My favorite books of all time are the Chronicles of Narnia. I first read them in the 3rd grade and have read them so many times I couldn't began to count. I even have the entire collection on cd and I listen to them when I go on road trips. The stories are so special to me. I can't wait to share them with my children.

4- I have an obscene amount of drug allergies and the only over the counter pain med I can take is Tylenol. The rest will kill me. Such drama.

5- I am the world's worse procrastonator. I'd give some examples, but I'll have to do it later. :)

6- Both of my dogs have their own silly songs I have made up about them and they each know which one is theirs. Hahaha

7- The first time I went to a "public" school was in college. Private schools my whole life.

Okay, so for the rules:

* Link to the person who tagged you
* Post the rules on your blog
* Write 7 random things about yourself
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them
* Let each person know they've been tagged

I tag:
And ummm..anyone else you wants?


Wait Another Year said...

I meant to comment earlier but got sidetracked. I also love, love, love shoes! However, with my size 5 feet, its is almost impossible to find comfortable, sexy shoes. Sometimes, I would just like to find a pair of shoes that would fit right! I didn't know you are a vegetarian. Wow, that's cool. I wish I was one too because I eat way too much meat (root of my weight issue, I'm sure). I also didn't know you went to private schools your whole life. Wow. I always wondered how that is like. Do you think you'll be putting your child in private school only?

Anonymous said...

Always fun to read these lists :) I'm the opposite of you on #4...I'm allergic to everything environmental but my only drug allergy is Sulfa. I love the Chronicles of Narnia, too. They are one series among many books that I am eagerly awaiting sharing with Evie.

Miss X said...

Katie - Yes, we do plan to send our children to private school. We've already started saving. ;)

Karen - Ahh, allergies...such joy! ;)