Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joy comes in the morning...EDITED

"..Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning." Psalms 30:5

That verse holds a special place in my heart. After the infertility/divorce debacle and the untimely death of my dad this verse is one a clung to for hope. I had to believe that my joy would come in the morning. When I met and married my sweet, sweet hubby the verse became so real in my life. Today my joy overflows.

Excuse the picture of a picture. The quality sucks. If you look at the bottom of the black circle you will see a tiny white blob. That is our Peanut. Measuring two days ahead and we saw the heart beating! I am feeling very blessed as I know it is very normal to not be able to see the heart at this point. Plus the doctor said that it was a very old and weaker ultrasound machine and wasn't sure we would see anything.

I'm in shock! But so, so happy. There really is a baby inside me. Wow. Just. Wow. Thank you so much for praying for me. I really needed to see things going so well.

As for the rest of the appointment we went over health history, want to do/not do, eat/not eat, they gave me hospital registration forms (Already?!?!), I peed in a cup, had a pap, had lots of blood drawn, scheduled my "big" ultrasound (Though we are not going to find out the gender) and talk to the billing people about how my insurance would pay. All in all quite productive and I am so glad Hubby was able to go. He loved watching the ultrasound and he asked the doctor plenty of questions. He is so cute.

So here we go. I might actually get a baby out of this! Oh my gosh!

A few of you pointed out I forgot to mention my due date. Oops! According to ovulation it is September 7th, according to the doctors old fashioned pregnancy wheel it is September 8th, according to the measuring of the baby it is September 5th! So, right around there I guess. I am sticking with the 7th for now. :)

Miss X


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I have been checking for an update obsessively! I'm so happy for you. You deserve this happiness, and you are going to be a great mother!

Brandy said...

What a beautiful little peanut you have!! Congrats!

Wait Another Year said...

I'm overjoyed for you. You deserve this moment so much. I can just imagine all the happiness oozing out of every pore in your body! Congrats again!

Kristy said...

I'm glad you had such a great appointment! It really is wonderful to know that there truly is a miracle taking place in your own body.

Kate said...


When is your official due date?

Hopeful Mother said...

Wonderful news!

Safire said...

Great news! So happy for you! And when is your due date?

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo!!! So happy for you!

deanna said...

I'm so glad you got that wonderful confirmation at your ultrasound. For me, it was by far the best silent movie I ever saw. I'm sure you would agree. =)