Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Text Book

My last several doctor appointments have left me perfectly average and text book. After my tumultuous start to pregnancy and the blood pressure drama I am thrilled to be boring. Boring is perfect and I am so very grateful. I'm hoping my average streak continues.

Monday I started my every two weeks appointments with my OB. Only 3 more and then I am on to the weekly appointments. Can you believe how fast this is going? The appointment went great. My blood pressure was the lowest reading I have ever had in my pg. I was shocked! I had spent the weekend at my in laws and they had NO AIR CONDITIONING! It was 95 degrees and my legs had swollen to tree trunk size. I thought for sure my blood pressure would be through the roof. After several days of my cool air conditioning and drinking lots of water and my swelling is gone again. Thank God!

My weight is up to a grand total of 8 pounds. I'm thinking my goal of not gaining more then 20lbs is going to actually be achieved. Don't worry, I'm not dieting. I'm seriously eating very normal, I just have some sort of magic pregnancy thing happening. Whatever, I just hope it continues after birth and I can lose the rest of my extra, non-pg related weight!

I was exactly 31 weeks at my appointment and my belly measured...wait for it...exactly 31 weeks. (Yawn) Heartbeat was good and in the 150's. Baby Girl is not a fan of the doppler. As soon as the doctor placed it on my tummy she kicked it right off! The doctor laughed. Too funny. So with everything good the doctor declared me as "behaving". I do try to make people happy. ;)

Next week is my growth ultrasound and I'm still not convinced it is actually necessary. It is okay though, I'm glad for a sneak peak at Baby Girl. She should be huge compared to the 20 week ultrasound! They have 3D technology and said they would try to get a couple of pictures ,so I really hope that happens.

I'm busy for the next few weeks with my brothers wedding, out of town guests and then my baby shower. (I'm having a baby shower?! Me?!) Then life will hopefully slow down while I wait for Baby Girl to make her grand entrance. I still cannot believe this is happening. I'm totally shocked. And so totally blessed.

Miss X

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 3D ultrasounds are great...enjoy! Yay for being perfect, I mean, textbook. :)