Saturday, July 25, 2009

Baby Shower and Bed Rest

Good News First:
I had my baby shower last night! My longtime friend threw me a lovely shower at her beautiful home. There were lots of friends and family. Lots of yummy food (pizza, bread sticks, salads, and lemon cheese cake! YUM!) and tons of gifts! I am completely overwhelmed with everyone's generosity!

I'll try to post pics on the private blog later. I need to go through everything to even remember an ounce of what we got. Off the top of my head we received....countless onesies in every imaginable size and color, baby blankets, hooded towels, wash cloths, burp cloths, pacifiers, baby shoes, tons of baby outfits, 2 car seat bases, baby bath tub, burts bee's gift set, bouncy seat, swing, piggy bank, sleepers, diapers, wipes, boppy, diaper cream, changing pad, diaper caddy and a million other things I've forgotten! We need a new house just to store all of the baby stuff! :) My little girl is already spoiled rotten! And loved by so many. That makes my heart glad.

Bad News Time:
I'm on bed rest. Ugh. So I ended up getting in massive trouble at my doctors appointment on Wednesday. They were upset about my swelling and blood pressure. Blood work and a 24 hour urine test were ordered. I am happy to say that both were completely normal. No protein in my urine and labs were normal. They made me come back Thursday for another BP check. I was stressed out of my mind and big shocker, my BP was even higher! Insert more freaking out of the medical staff. The problem was my normal OB was out of town and I was dealing with a nurse practitioner that scares easier. I was then made to come in AGAIN on Friday (yesterday), my BP had come down after 2 days of bedrest, but is still above normal. Sigh.

The long and short of it is I officially have Pregnancy Induced Hypertension - but NOT Pre-Eclampsia. Yet, anyway. It's an important distinction and very good news that I am not eclamptic at this point. Last night was a wake up call for me that I really do have to behave and stay on bed rest. I was upright way to long at my shower, walking around, and I got really hot. Before I knew it I was having visual disturbances. If you know anything about blood pressure this is a huge red flag. My sister in law drove me home. My mom came over (she is a cardiac RN) and found my blood pressure at 160/100! I was ordered on my left side and to drink tons of water. She and hubby kept monitoring me and thank God my BP quickly dropped down to acceptable levels. But that's it. I'm out of commission for the rest of this pg. It sucks because I'm nesting, but stroking out is not big on my list of things to do. I will be shocked if I don't end up induced in the end, but I'm still praying I just go into labor on my own early.

That is all for now. If you pray, please keep Baby Girl and myself in your prayers. I need her to cook for a few more weeks and I need to not have a stroke in the mean time. I really do think everything will work out in the end.

Miss X


Safire said...

Well well! Your life is exciting lately. :) Be good on bed rest. I know how hard it can be but totally worth it to be a stickler with it. It's no fun near the end, though. I spent a lot of time online and using up my credit cards nesting online. :) Try not to do that one. Let me know if you have any questions or need something to do!

Miss X said...

Safire - Yup, I'm being good. It does suck though. I'm getting so emotional. I need to snap out of it.
I'm definitely up for any suggestions you have! How long were you on bed rest?

amanda said...

I'm so glad you had fun at your shower. I'm sorry about the bed rest, though. Hang in there. Obviously it will be worth every second of it to keep you both safe.

How about doing some serious Netflix watching? I'm watching the first season of Mad Men right now, and it's really good. And have you read the Twilight series? Those are enjoyable, easy reads.

Brandy said...

I'll be praying for you and baby girl! Those things are definitely scary but sometimes we do need a wake up call, so to speak. Just take care of yourself as much as possible and let hubby take care of you too! :-)

Anonymous said...

How scary! You will definitely be in my prayers. Your shower sounds great and just in time. :)

Miss X said...

Ladies - Thanks for all of the prayers, suggestions and well wishes!

Amanda - LOVE the Twilight books. I think I'm going to re-read them. ;)