Monday, October 11, 2010

I Suck

You would think I could update a little more then this! I don't know how the mommy bloggers do it. I can barely get in on the computer anymore for more then two minutes at a time. I do almost all my checking on my phone now and blogger won't let me post from there. :-p Blah, blah, blah, excuse, excuse. Suffice to say, I suck.

On the pregnancy front everything is fine and dandy. I will be 14 weeks (!) tomorrow. We had our NT scan and everything has come back with very high odds of things being perfect and normal. Yay! I still haven't wrapped my brain around this really happening again, but am hopeful that everything is going to work out great.

I have a new OB from my last pg and it is going SO much better! Wish I would have gone to him the first time around. I still have blood pressure issues (turns out it is chronic, not pregnancy related), but I am on a pg friendly dose of meds and my blood pressure is now a lovely 100/60. Yay!

In other news my little girl is now 13 1/2 months! My gosh how time flies! She is becoming such a little person. More words every day. She is sweet and charming, along with her share of tantrums thrown in the mix. She is my little angel.

I think in my last post I talked about night weaning? We ended up having some major breastfeeding problems. I don't know if it was from being pg, her teeth, or a combo of both, but I ended up with massive, deep sores on my n*pples. So as of last Friday morning she is officially fully weaned. She still wants to nurse at night, but it is getting better and I think she is starting to understand that we don't do that anymore. I have such mixed feelings. I know it needed to happen. I was in so much pain. Still, it makes me sad to not have that bonding time with her anymore. Sigh.

That's all for now. I will TRY to post updates more often.

Miss X

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You so do not suck. Who has the desire to post a blog entry when you can Facebook? :)

How does the pregnancy compare with how you felt with Monet? Any feelings as towards boy or girl? Any movement yet? Have I forgotten any questions? :)
