Tuesday, August 18, 2009

37 Week Appt, Day in the Hospital, and Baby Time!

Yesterday marked my 37th week! I went in first thing in the morning for my 37 week appointment. Big shocker, my blood pressure was up. My Dr. immediately starts talking about sending me downstairs to labor and delivery for non-stress tests, labs and urine tests. She said hopefully she wouldn't have to deliver me that day (!) as she would prefer to get me to 38 weeks! EEK! She finished my exam, swabbed me for GBS, and checked my cervix. Despite being on EPO (evening primrose oil) for 2 weeks I had no change. She said I was not dilated whatsoever and very hard! DANG IT! She was disappointed, but I was definitely more disappointed.

I was sent down to labor and delivery. They put me in this little room, strapped a couple of monitors to my belly and a blood pressure cuff to my arm and laid me on my side on the little bed. I had to lay there for 2 1/2 hours while they occasionally came in to take blood and what not. My tests all came back completely normal. My BP came down to normal levels when I was on my side. Blood work came back normal and urine dip came back normal. I was sent home with another 24 urine test (ugh) and I take that back this afternoon.

Despite all of my tests coming back normal, I still think my Dr. is going to insist on induction next week. She is not comfortable with my BP spikes when not laying firmly on my side. I understand, I just really wanted to avoid induction - and an unfavorable cervix is not giving me comfort. I increased my EPO last night and please pray that my cervix starts dilating!

It was so surreal laying in the bed in the L&D section of the hospital (I was in a triage room). I heard a newborn crying in the next room and it totally blew my mind. I kept wondering if I really belonged there. When one of the nurses would say something to me about me being "pregnant" or about my "baby", I had to stop myself from looking around and saying "Are you talking about ME?". I SO want this baby, but I cannot wrap my simple mind around it. Is this really happening to me? I've definitely got a case of the nerves and have been awake now since 3am.

I'm afraid of being induced. I'm afraid of something going wrong with Baby Girl. I'm afraid I haven't prepared enough and I'm going to suck as a mom. I love this baby so much, why can't I accept that she is real?

Please send your prayers ladies (and maybe slap me. ;) ). I will update as I find out more.

Miss X

1 comment:

Wait Another Year said...

Those are all normal feelings. I was in denial up until I held my twins to be honest. Its a very scary and confusing time for us first time moms. Don't worry, I'm sure everything will turn out fine and your beautiful baby girl will be here soon. I can't wait to see her first pictures!