Thursday, May 28, 2009


I had my glucose test today. Long story short, I failed. I am totally crushed. I've been balling my eyes out. I have to take the 3 hour test next week.

I know this sounds SO dramatic, but you have no idea how much I wanted to pass. A vegetarian forced to eat a low carb diet is almost impossible. I ate low carb the last two days in prep for the test (could this have messed it up?) and lost 2 pounds! It will be impossible to keep weight on me if I have to eat like that.

Before the blood draw my appointment went great and I really thought I was having my first ever good OB appointment. Total weight gain since last appointment was 2 pounds, my blood pressure was totally NORMAL, measuring perfect and perfect heart rate. UGH!

Anybody fail the first test and pass the second? Anyone feel like having a pity part with me?

Miss X

Forgot to mention - I am evidently very anemic. At 6 weeks my hemoglobin was really high and now it is very low. Guess this is pretty common towards the end of the 2nd tri, start of the 3rd tri. Iron supplements for me. Perhaps this will help with my constant fatigue.


Kate said...

Hey, I failed the first one but passed the 3-hour test, so there's hope yet! Try not to stress about it. Even if you fail, some doctors aren't all that strict.

Glad the rest of your appt. went well!

VHMPrincess said...

I totally failed the 1 hr test and passed the 3 hour one!

deanna said...

I'm sorry the test didn't go well! Bummer!

I actually remember several blog-friends who failed the first test and passed the second. I'll be hoping that this is the case with you!

amanda said...

Yep, I failed the first test but passed the 3 hour one. Sorry you have to go through the 3 hour version, but there's definitely hope.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry! That does stink to deal with this as a vegetarian. I don't have any advice, but I'll pray for a miracle that you'll pass the next test!

Safire said...

Ugh, I failed the one hour AND the 3 hour (twice) but twins that's pretty common. Having GD is survivable, although at the time I thought it was the most horrible thing. We'll talk after your 3 hour test!

Wait Another Year said...

I, too, was extremely anemic. We found this out very early on in the pregnancy. I took Slow FE and it helped for sure; however, it had a bad side effect - SUPER CONSTIPATION! So, I had to take something else for that too! Hope you get that under control. And good luck with the 2nd glucose test!