Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Swollen and Nesting

Summer time and the swelling's easy......

I way over did it last week! My little brother was getting married and there was so much to do. It was days of cleaning, decorating and out of town family. Did I mention it was over 100 degrees every single day. UGH! Our forecast shows 100+ days for as far out as the weather channel will project. Yuck.

My brothers wedding turned out very nice. We had a good time and enjoyed seeing relatives. People "oohed and ahhed" over my belly and I even scored a couple of baby gifts. It was definitely a bit hard for us and especially my mom, having such a significant time without my dad. It's been 2 1/2 years since he unexpectedly died and sometimes it feels like 2 days. I miss him.

Saturday night at the end of my brothers reception I hiked up my dress to check out my ankles only to discover they were gone. I mean gone. Completely. My feet were enormous! The sandals I wore that were lose at the start of the day had cut into my feet and I even have bruising from the straps. You could easily push an inch into my lower legs and the indent stayed for several minutes at a time. My mom and my aunt are both nurses (my aunt an OB nurse) freaked out and sent me home to put my feet up, monitor my BP and drink water. I gained 4lbs that day in fluid!

Now a few days later I've lost 2 of the 4lbs. My swelling has gone down quite a bit, but I still definitely have edema in my lower legs. Sigh. My BP definitely spiked on Saturday but it has gone down to normal now. I'm sure my OB is going to love to hear this tomorrow at my appointment. I have a feeling that at least semi-bedrest is in my near future. I've been trying to rest this week and drink lots of water.

I'm nothing if not great on timing and I think my nesting instinct has kicked in. I felt the need to take the tags off of everything and wash EVERYTHING today. So far I've washed 3 sets of crib sheets, baby quilt, 3 baby blankets, mattress protector, baby towel, 12 burp cloths, and a million 0-3 months clothes! I feel the need for everything to be finished NOW! This is so not me. I'm pretty laid back about cleaning. I like a tidy house, but am far from a neat freak. This must be nesting.

Oh, I had my growth ultrasound last week! I was 32 1/2 weeks and they estimated the baby at 4lbs 3 ounces, which they said is right on track. They are guessing she will weigh 6 1/2 to 7lbs if I go the full 40 weeks. Sounds like a perfect size to me. ;) Everything looked right on dates with her and she was pronounced very wiggly, shy and healthy. :) They had a 3d ultrasound but Baby Girl refused to show us her face at all! We were so disappointed. She is head down and her head was so low and wedged under my right hip bone. The tech tried everything to get her to show us her face and she flat refused! Stubborn girl! Oh well, I guess we are destined to be surprised at how she looks.

In other news my baby shower is this Friday night. I can't believe that I am having a baby shower. Me. Crazy! I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I know that sounds ridiculous. I need to wrap my brain around the idea that I am having a baby. I swear I have felt like such a fraud most of this pregnancy. How could I finally be getting what my heart has desired for so long? I'm so blessed.

Miss X

Thanks for all of the baby stuff advice. Keep it coming! :)


Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope your dr. appt. goes well, but I think you're probably right that he'll be alarmed by the amount of swelling. That must have been some wedding! :) I can't imagine how hard that would be to have a wedding where one of the parents of the couple is gone. I'm so sorry. And that stinks that baby girl wouldn't show her face! But I bet the 3D was still cool to see the rest of her.

Wait Another Year said...

Glad you had a lot of fun at the wedding. I love American weddings too (not so much in our culture).

Too bad you couldn't see baby girl's face. I know how exciting that can be. I still remember when I first saw our little ones' face.

I can't believe it is almost time for her grand entrance. I know the baby shower will be so special and fun. Just take a deep breath and suck it all in. You really are having a baby! It's your time to celebrate!