Monday, July 13, 2009

32 Week Belly Pic ***Edit to Add***

I posted my newest belly pic here.

Miss X

All of you been there, done that mamma's I have a question. What baby item could you NOT live without? What was a waste? Thank you!!!


Anonymous said...

Diaper Genies, etc. are a total waste. They stink horrible!

Could not live without a bouncy seat or swing though!


Anonymous said...

For a newborn, definitely the miracle blanket is our fave. Waste of money? Mittens for their hands (they just fall off)...the gowns or outfits with built-in mits are better. We also hardly used all of the baby hats/caps. You only need 1 or 2 for after a bath. And shoes for a newborn...pointless except for a fancy outfit (Easter, Christening). We mostly just put socks on Evie.

Safire said...

For newborns...I found my sling indespensable. (sorry about the spelling) But I had two and one who HATED to be put down. Also, frozen meals in the freezer was a life saver for me. Newborns need 3 things, Mommy (lots of skin to skin time), food, and to be clean and dry. I have very little newborn gear (swings, bouncy seats, etc) because I mostly just carried the babies or read in bed with them. With my first even more.

Waste of money for us was hats (too really only need one).

Wait Another Year said...

Don't get the diaper genie, that particular one doesn't contain odor that well. We also had the other brand that walmart carries (can't remember the name) and that one worked really well. Believe it or not, it was cheaper than the genie. I really believe you need to have some kind of diaper pail/container though.

The baby swing or rocker is also a necessity - for those times you simply can't hold the baby.

I also agree that hats and shoes are just a waste of money. We ended up with way too many, most never used.